TriHealth to open $30 million medical facility in Springfield Township

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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A rendering of TriHealth's new ambulatory medical campus coming to Springfield Township.

A rendering of TriHealth’s new ambulatory medical campus coming to Springfield Township.

TriHealth, one of the region’s largest health systems, is planning to open a $30 million ambulatory medical campus in Springfield Township, a move that’s expected to bring 120 health care and support staff jobs, officials said.

The Springfield Township Zoning Commission approved TriHealth’s final development plan Feb. 24, township officials said in a news release. The 57,000-square-foot, two-story facility on West Galbraith Road will replace the former Forest Lytle and Sons site.

Officials said the new facility is TriHealth’s 13th major ambulatory campus in Greater Cincinnati, adding it’ll provide primary and specialty care providers, urgent care and outpatient services once fully operational.

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Specialty care services will include cardiology, gastroenterology, general surgery, ENT, physical medicine and rehabilitation, orthopedics and obstetrics.

TriHealth will consolidate three current locations including a Group Health pediatric and primary care office in Finneytown, as well as practices in Glenway and Groesbeck once the project is finished, officials said.

“Springfield Township continues to be a great partner in our vision to serve every member of the community within a 15-minute drive of their home.” TriHealth CEO Mark Clement said in a statement.

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Officials said the new facility is the largest economic development project to come to Springfield Township in more than 30 years.

“The project not only is the largest economic development project the township has seen for some time, it will provide significant benefits in expanding healthcare access to Springfield Township and the region,” Springfield Township Trustee Kristie Dukes Davis said in a statement.

Site work on the project is expected to begin this month, with an opening in fall 2023.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: TriHealth to open $30 million medical campus in Springfield Township