‘The Art of Healthy Snacks’ In Melrose

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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The following was submitted by The Food Drive:

Melrose, MA (March 28, 2022) — Follow Your Art Community Studios is partnering with The Food Drive to host an ongoing food donation bin in the FYACS art center at 647 Main Street in Melrose. Donations benefit the Stoneham Teen Center of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Stoneham and Wakefield, providing healthy snacks for the middle and high school students in their after school program. The Food Drive, a Melrose-based food rescue and food security nonprofit, is coordinating volunteers from Melrose High School for weekly deliveries to the Teen Center.

Dubbed “The Art of Healthy Snacks” Donation Bin, this program combines The Food Drive’s mission to provide healthy food access for all, Follow Your Art’s mission to build creative community, and the Boys & Girls Clubs’ mission to enable young people to meet their full potential.

The bin is located on the front porch of the “big yellow house,” and donations are accepted during Follow Your Art’s business hours and class sessions.

Please consider donating the following:
– dried fruit packages
– granola bars
– peanut butter or PB squeeze packs
– popcorn
– Pirate’s Booty
– pretzels
– rice cakes
– veggie fruit sticks
– veggie straws


The Food Drive is a community-driven nonprofit that provides hands-on, hyperlocal solutions to food insecurity and food waste. Serving communities north of Boston including Everett, Lynn, Malden, Melrose, Saugus, Stoneham, Revere, Swampscott, Wakefield, and Woburn, The Food Drive’s mission is to distribute rescued, surplus, and donated food; divert good food from landfills; and work for change in the food system. To learn more visit www.thefooddrive.org.