Low or no cost medical care is available to Treasure Coast residents

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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With more than 100,000 households on the Treasure Coast living just one emergency away from financial ruin, it can be a challenge to get access to affordable doctors, dentists and prescription medications.

The ability to obtain low-cost or free medical and dental care and medications can make huge differences in the health of entire families, especially for the roughly 13% in the three-county area already living in poverty, according to state and federal reports.

“It really does have a major impact on the lives of a family. We have many families who are underinsured or have no insurance and are living paycheck to paycheck,” said Colette Heid, communications director for eight Treasure Coast Community Health facilities in Indian River County, which last year provided low-cost medical, dental and behavior health care to 26,357 patients.