Los Angeles Medical Spa Launches New Website

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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FemCare Health & Beauty-Burbank, a Los Angeles County medical spa and practice located in Burbank just launched their updated website. The launch coincides with the spa’s designation as a medical practice and highlights its health, wellness and beauty services.

BURBANK, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 19, 2022 / A newer addition to the L.A. medical spa scene, FemCare Health & Beauty-Burbank gained a following when located in Westminster, CA and clients have followed to Burbank where the company is now located. Because the business is not just a medical spa but an actual medical practice, FemCare updated their website accordingly.

Co-owners Teresa Valero-Mitchell (CFO) and Tamara Kalamdjian (FNP) talked about the updated website. “It’s a competitive market here in the San Fernando Valley, and even though we have a loyal following we need an Internet presence that make it easy for clients to find us and to interact with us,” Valero-Mitchell said. “People liked our website but we took an in-depth look and found we needed to change a lot of things. Our services needed to be updated since we’re also a medical practice but we enhanced things like website speed to make it easier for clients to get the information they need.”

The website is built on the popular WordPress platform and is geared toward visitors from both desktop computers and mobile devices. “The Burbank medspa niche has a lot of competition, believe it or not,” noted Kalamdjian. “And getting that new client may come down to whose site is easier to click with your thumb!” The company knows the value of social media as well so the updated site will make it easier to syndicate blog posts to sites like Facebook and Twitter. The focus of the site is integrative medicine which incorporates medical procedures like FUE hair transplant as well as aesthetic procedures such as skin tightening or nonsurgical facelifts. WordPress-based websites make it easier to update so as new therapies come on board, FemCare can easily add them-even without a webmaster.

The main reason for the relaunch was to promote a more professional image for FemCare, in line with the quality of care the medical spa and practice provides.

Valero-Mitchell concluded by saying, “We love our Burbank location but we serve other L.A. areas too, and even just from speeding up the site we’re seeing more traffic and more clients from around the Valley.”

About FemCare Health & Beauty Burbank

FemCare Health & Beauty-Burbank was founded in 2017 and is located in Burbank, CA. In addition to aesthetic services this medical spa also provides physician-guided medical procedures. The company’s website is https://www.femcarehealthandbeauty.com/.

Media Contact

Teresa Valero-Mitchell
[email protected]

851 N Hollywood Way
Burbank, California

SOURCE: FemCare Health & Beauty

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