Florida police release video of Good Samaritans racing to rescue woman who had medical emergency while driving

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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Florida police are seeking the identities are Good Samaritans seen on stunning traffic camera video springing into action to help a woman who suffered a medical emergency while behind the wheel. 

The Boyton Beach Police Department, which serves the city in Palm Beach County, Florida, released footage Wednesday showing a woman running into a busy intersection up to a slowly moving car. Other cars seem to keep driving, maneuvering past the car moving diagonally across at least six lanes of traffic.  

The woman begins waving to other drivers as the car approaches the opposite intersection. 


Boyton Beach are seeking the identities are Good Samaritans seen on stunning traffic camera video springing into action to help a woman who suffered a medical emergency while behind the wheel. 

Boyton Beach are seeking the identities are Good Samaritans seen on stunning traffic camera video springing into action to help a woman who suffered a medical emergency while behind the wheel. 
(Boyton Beach Police Department)

Several cars stopped at the red-light maneuver to the side or backwards to avoid getting struck by the oncoming vehicle. More than a half dozen men and women get out of their own cars and race up to the car, putting their bodies on the line trying to slow it down until it eventually halts. 

At least one of those Good Samaritans was dressed in military fatigues. Even more people hop out of their cars trying to assist further, and a woman seen wearing a bright green shirt retrieves an object from her own car and hands it to a man, who uses to smash open a rear passenger window. 


Eventually, the front passenger and driver side doors are opened, and the group works to get the woman out of the driver’s seat while the car still is not in brake. Three people hold the front car hood to stead the vehicle until the car rolls slowly out of the frame of the traffic camera.  

“We want to honor the Good Samaritans who stopped to help, but we need help identifying all of them,” the police department said in a statement. “If you or someone you know helped in any way, please contact PIO Stephanie Slater at [email protected].”