Earning Opportunity Or MLM Scam? (2022)

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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In this article, I will show you the complete review of iGenius Forex Crypto MLM Company.

Here, you will know about,

  • About iGenius Company
  • Company’s Investment Plan
  • Compensation Plan
  • And, lots of information

So, Let’s get started.

What is iGenius?

iGenius is one type of MLM Company that claims to provide a Finance ecosystem that includes financial tools and technology, research, and services. The Parent company of iGenius is Investview. The headquarters of the iGenius is located in Northern Ireland and Now, Chad Garner is running the company.

People in the leadership team of the company include:

  • Rod Earl (VP of Technology
  • Christian Crabtree (Senior Director of Sales)
  • Riker Healey (Director of Customer Support)
  • Cade Miller (Sales Operations Manager)
  • Jamie Brown (Director of Marketing Communications
  • Austin Smith (Director of Product)
  • Kevin Pereira (Director of Compliance)
  • Catherine Terry (Graphic Designer)

iGenius offers multiple opportunities such as MONEYproCRYPTOcore, University, FOREXthrive, LEARNlive, and EQUITYprime.

iGenius oppertunity

According to the company,

  • MONEYpro helps you manage your financial activities.
  • CRYPTOcore helps to easily deal with cryptocurrencies.
  • The University helps in learning and training for Forex, Equity, and Crypto Markets.
  • FOREXthrive again helps in Forex education and research.
  • LEARNlive helps attend live market sessions by experts.
  • EQUITYprime is for a better understanding of the equity market.

iGenius Company Profile

Company Name iGenius
Founder Chad Garner
Started 2020
Head Office Northern Ireland
Products Crypto-Forex Courses & Online Services
Website www.igeniusglobal.com
Email Id [email protected]

iGenius Products

Basically, Company has not any Products and Services for selling. Partner or Associate of the company earns commission by selling Membership. Membership helps to access financial and crypto elements as well as travel booking discounts.

By the way, In North America and Europe, the company has a Shopify store where they sell Tank Tops, T-Shirt, Jackets, and Hats for Men and Women.

iGenius has an online Shopify store that only works in North America and Europe. The store sells jackets, tank tops, T-shirts, and hats for men and women.

iGenius Investment Plan

iGenius Company has only 2 investment Opportunities. One is NADU and another is Crypro Elite.


NDAU is a token from the parent company InvestView. It offers to every partner of the iGenuis to spend $1000 on any of the following two Packages.

  • Package 1: 3-month package price NDAU 10% of the current public trading price. The Payment with a 5% annual compounding interest, NADU is fixed for 3 months and after 3 months, the interest rate will decrease to 4%.
  • Package 2: 3-year package where NDAU is locked for 3 years. Here the return is provided as a 15% annual compounding rate.


CryptoElite is a cryptocurrency investment opportunity for the company. iGenius affiliates need to invest $ 1000 or more through CryptoElite trading bots. Affiliates except Elite Tier are charged 15% whereas Elite Level Authorized 10%. The compensation rules recommend that only elite affiliates access CryptoElite.

Joining iGenius Company

There are 4 different levels to joining the iGenius company by iGenius Membership.

Serial No. Tier Name One Time Fee (in Dollars) Monthly Fee (in Dollars)
1. Choice $99.99 $99.99
2. Select $299.99 $174.99
3. Premium $599.99 $174.99
4. Elite $1499.99 $174.99

Here, in this chart, you can see, that if you join with Elite Membership, you will get all the benefits of iGenius income.

Though, each level has each unique benefits.

Keep in mind, that GV stands for Group Volume which comes from sales of the Group. And, PV stands for Personal Volume i.e. Membership Fee Volume created through personal recruitment.

iGenius Affiliate Ranks

Serial No. Rank Requirement GV Requirement per month
1. Affiliate Sign up as an affiliate and pay membership fees  –
2. Influencer Recruit 2 affiliates  –
3. Executive Maintain 2 personally recruited affiliates 1000 GV
4. Platinum Executive Maintain 2 personally recruited affiliates 2000 GV
5. Global Executive Recruit 4 affiliates 5000 GV
6. Diamond Executive Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates 10,000 GV
7. Ambassador Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates 25000 GV
8. Platinum Ambassador Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates 50,000 GV
9. Diamond Ambassador Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates 1,00,000 GV
10. Presidential Ambassador Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates 2,50,000 GV
11. Crown Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates with 2 of them being Presidential Ambassador or higher 5,00,000 GV
12. Legend Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates with 3 of them being Presidential Ambassador or higher 10,00,000 GV
13. Star Legend Maintain 4 personally recruited affiliates with all of them being Presidential Ambassador or higher 20,00,000 GV
14. Royal Legend Maintain 5 Presidential Ambassador or higher affiliates 40,00,000 GV
15. Crown Legend Maintain 6 Presidential Ambassador or higher affiliates 60,00,000 GV

iGenius Compensation Plan

Every company has good for the people for earning money if the company has a Realistic and powerful compensation plan. Here, the iGenius Compensation Plan has 2 investment opportunities for approved ones with 2 types of commissions and 3 types of bonuses. There are many performance-based bonuses in the compensation plan for hiring new members to the company.

  1. iGenius Commissions
  2. iGenius Bonuses

1. iGenius Commission

Recruitment Commission

Recruitment Commission is when iGenius Affiliates recruit new members to the company, Company will give some commission to the Upline Affiliates depending on the level added by the new affiliate.

Selected Tier Commission
Choice $25
Select $50
Premium $100
Elite $1499.99

Note: Affiliates also earn a commission on tier upgrades.

The Residual Commission

By following the Binary Compensation Structure, Company pays Remaining Commission. It is given as a percentage of the fee volume from the weak binary side depending on the authorized rank.

Serial No. Rank Commission Earned (in Dollar) Weekly Capping of Commission (in Dollar)
1. Affiliate
2. Influencer
3. Executive 10% $75
4. Platinum Executive 10% $150
5. Global Executive 12.5% $250
6. Diamond Executive 12.5% $625
7. Ambassador 15% $1250
8. Platinum Ambassador 15% $2500
9. Diamond Ambassador 17.5% $6250
10. Presidential Ambassador 17.5% $12,500
11. Crown 17.5% $25,000
12. Legend 20% $62,500
13. Star Legend 20% $1,05,000
14. Royal Legend 20% $1,87,500
15. Crown Legend 20% $2,50,000

iGenius Bonuses

Here are the 6 types of Bonuses income of iGenius;

  1. Fast Start Bonus
  2. Generational Match Bonus
  3. Rapid Fire Bonus
  4. Top-Up Bonus
  5.  X4 Bonus 
  6.  X8 Bonus

1. Fast Start Bonus

Fast Start Bonus is a one-time quick start bonus when an Active Senior Distributer Enrolled New Member or Some Member Upgraded their Order.

2. Generational Match Bonus

By Following the Uni-level Compensation Structure, Generational Match Bonus is given. Basically, this Bonus is given up to the 5 generations of global executives and highly ranked affiliates.

  1. Global executives and diamond executives earn up to 1 generation.
  2. Ambassadors and platinum ambassadors earn up to 2 generations.
  3.  Diamond ambassadors earn up to 3 generations.
  4. Presidential ambassadors earn up to 4 generations 
  5. Crowns and superior breeds earn up to 5 generations

3. Rapid Fire Bonus

Rapid Fire Bonus of the company is paid $25 paid for each monthly subscription payment of individually recruited new affiliates.

4. Top Up Bonus

The company will help with a Top Up Bonus to the Affiliates, When they have 4 active recruiting affiliates but, still can’t earn $ 175 per month. If the affiliates can maintain 12 self-employed active affiliates, it can earn $ 500. 

5. X4 Bonus Pool

X4 Bonus will only be given when Affiliates generate 1000 PV or have Elite Level. 1% of the company’s membership fee is kept in the X4 Bonus and for qualified affiliates who are generating 4000 PV in 4 weeks.

6. X8 Bonus Pool

Like X4 Bonus, X8 Bonus will only be given when Affiliates generate 2000 PV or have Elite Level. Only 3% of the companywide membership fee is kept in the X8 bonus pool if they generate 8000 PV in 4 weeks.

Should I join iGenius?

As you already know in this article iGenius started in 2020, which name was Kuvera before. The Parent Company, Investview was registered in the USA and has been operating as a Wealth Generator company since 2013. Though this company is working since 2013, it regularly makes fillings but never discloses these fraud schemes which it publicly operates.

Within a year of the operation, Kuvera cut off promised returns to investors and blamed the fall in Ethereum prices.  It is proof, of how weak their scheme is. Probably, for negative PR, Invesview again rebuilds it with the new name, iGenius.

iGenius is a fraudulent money transfer scheme because Investview is not transparent about it. iGenius is promoting its token NDAU to investors and asking them to keep it longer.  So, it’s your Decision, Do you want to join iGenius or not.


In short, iGenius is a USA-based Cryptocurrency MLM company that sells only Joining Investment Membership. The company was renamed to iGenius from Kuvera for some illegal activity and Money Circulating Scheme. I hope you got the complete information about iGenius Company and iGenius Compensation Plan from this article.

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