CBD is Medically Helpful Even Without Any Psychoactive Trait

Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is coming into its own. It is one of more than a hundred chemical compounds from the cannabis plant, also known as marijuana or hemp plant.

Koodegras notes that CBD has been proven an effective painkiller without being psychoactive. This type of oil doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the mind-altering compound of hemp.

Benefits of CBD

CBD’s mechanisms of actions are not yet fully clear. However, the FDA has approved

CBD for the treatment of two forms of childhood epilepsy. Marijuana was used for pain relief since the ancient times. THC is not the only component that helps in pain relief. In various tests, CBD has been able to reduce chronic pain. Studies in rats show that CBD reduces pain response to incisions and can also reduce sciatic nerve pain and inflammation.

A combination of THC and CBD can be effective as a pain treatment for arthritis. The oral spray Sativex, which has both THC and CBD, is approved for use in several countries for the treatment of pain in multiple sclerosis. CBD is undergoing research as a treatment for both depression and anxiety. It is also a treatment for insomnia and anxiety in children. Studies have shown that CBD has antidepressant-like effects in animals.

Quitting Smoking

Potentially, CBD can help quit smoking. A study found that cigarette smokers who use inhalers with CBD had no cravings for nicotine and smoked fewer cigarettes than usual. Another study showed that it can treat people who are addicted to opioids. It can also be used to reduce the symptoms of substance use disorder. These include anxiety, mood-related symptoms, insomnia, and general pain. It points to the possibility of using CBD to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

One reason CBD is having a hard time going mainstream is its association with marijuana. It is not an opioid and can be used instead in a variety of treatments. Studies are still ongoing for its use in treating withdrawal symptoms, epilepsy, pain relief, anxiety, and other conditions.