Simply Real Life: The Method is Now OPEN!

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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Friend, I’ll keep this post brief today because I just want to share with you that we’ve opened the doors to Simply Real Life: The Method— and alllll the goodness and info you need to know about it can be found right here, on the page dedicated to what it’s all about. But, I didn’t want you to miss out or not hear the news that you can officially join all this week. (Doors close Friday, April 29 at 2pm CST.) 

The bottom line is, this is the program that will bring you home to yourself. Yes, you’ll find the true and only ways to reach the effortlessly healthy life you dream of— and it requires going beyond the physical (though we talk about that part plenty, too).

Together over the course of just 6 weeks, we walk through the mental, emotional & physical sides and barriers you’ve faced before when it comes to reaching true health. The mindset blocks, unhelpful narratives, crash diets, fad exercise plans and stories you’ve carried throughout your life will be faced head on and squashed, so you can instead find a peaceful, energy-giving, anti-perfectionistic approach to taking care of YOU and your health… inside and out.

Feel good in your skin, once and for all, and join Simply Real Life: The Method today. I can’t wait to walk alongside you in this work!


Ready for a lasting approach for getting healthier?

Join Simply Real Life: The Method before doors close on Friday!


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