5 out-of-the-box yoga classes in the Lancaster County area | Entertainment

ByJeffrey J. Baker

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If you’re looking to get your yoga flow on, there is no shortage of options in the Lancaster County area.

Here are five out-of-the-box yoga events to keep you centered this summer.

Goat Yoga

Amish Farm and House lets you do downward dog next to baby goats. The curious little creatures are known to jump on top of guests in certain poses, making for some fun photo opportunities. Amish Farm and House offers two options: Regular Goat Yoga, a 60-minute class, at 7 p.m. Tuesday and Fridays and 10 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays, $20 plus fees; and Family Goat Yoga, a 30-minute class geared towards kids age 5-11, at noon Saturdays and Sundays, $15 plus fees. Private classes are also available.

For more info: amishfarmandhouse.com/on-the-farm/goat-yoga or 717-394-6185.

Yoga with lambs, sheep and chicks 

Just over the county line in Mohnton, Swartz’s Roadside Stand will offer its first yoga class with lambs, sheep and chickens from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, July 15. Participants must prepay ($20 per person) in order to reserve a spot; payment options are via Venmo (@Swartzs-Roadside-Stand) or dropping off cash at the farm stand.

For more info: lanc.news/swartzyoga or call 610-790-5339.

Yoga on the roof

Tellus360 and West End Yoga have partnered to offer yoga on Tellus’ roof from 10-11 a.m. Saturdays. Attendees should bring their own mat, water and sunscreen, as it’s bright up on the roof. Cost is $15 and payment is available via credit card, cash and Venmo. West End Yoga class passes are valid, and West End Yoga members get a discounted rate ($10.) Admission includes a drink ticket for after class. Check the Facebook event page for updates on weather cancellations.

For more info: lanc.news/tellusyoga.

Beer garden yoga 

Tommy Miller of West End Yoga leads a flow class suited for beginner to intermediate yogis at the Warehouse District Beer Garden, 595 N. Charlotte St., from 11 a.m. to noon Sundays. Attendees should bring their own water, towel, mat and sunscreen. The beer garden will open immediately following class for those interested in a post-class beverage. A single-class ticket is $18.

For more info: lanc.news/beergardenyoga.

Yoga at Middle Creek 

Lynn Keisel will lead a gentle class doing seated and standing poses on the east side of Middle Creek Visitor’s Center at 9-10:15 a.m. Saturday, July 9. Admission is $20, with funds benefiting Middle Creek. “The view will be beautiful as we feel balanced and centered by the energy of the ground and sky,” the event’s Facebook page reads.

For more info: lanc.news/middlecreekyoga.